Sunset on the Rocks Mature Retired General Contractor Love to Dance, dine out or in Let me know...Starr Bright and Rachellyn1010 faces in mirror, lights to turn on. Leslie Bailey, parents of goats and sheep, hands in air, tales told. Kanye West announces 2020 presidential bid in bizarre 4th of July tweet
Sunny and wet was the temperature in the coastal town of Seal Beach, and the waves were coming fast, over the rocks alone the shore. Good times, holiday cheers, hands in the air, hands to keys, the songs of life. Interesting collection of words.... much like the 60’s, if I remember it right!TRICKS OF THE TRADES INC.Kanye West announces 2020 presidential bid in bizarre 4th of July tweet
Rach Jay FART FACE BUTT CRACK, MY MOTHER AND FATHER:Sheri Beth Jarrot, and the gay blade, Steven Jay Jarrot, crooks,cheaters, liars,family of freaks, fools, and frogs.Kanye West announces 2020 presidential bid in bizarre 4th of July tweet

Starr and Sabrina Jackson were twins that had been born the same day, as another cousin too. The twins were back at the house again for the cerebration of Gran Madams 90th birthday, in the big house on the coast and far back from the cliffs. We were so ready for the rest of the family to come in from around the world, and it would be so nice to see everybody again.Good times, holiday cheers, hands in the air, hands to keys, the songs of life. Interesting collection of words.... much like the 60’s, if I remember it right!TRICKS OF THE TRADES INC.

Starr and Sabrina Jackson were twins that had been born the same day, as another cousin too. The twins were back at the house again for the cerebration of Gran Madams 90th birthday, in the big house on the coast and far back from the cliffs. We were so ready for the rest of the family to come in from around the world, and it would be so nice to see everybody again.Good times, holiday cheers, hands in the air, hands to keys, the songs of life. Interesting collection of words.... much like the 60’s, if I remember it right!TRICKS OF THE TRADES INC.
Thanksgiving was the last time that we had all been together for the holiday then, and Christmas is just days away.Starr Bright and Rachellyn1010 faces in mirror, lights to turn on. Leslie Bailey, parents of goats and sheep, hands in air, tales told.Good times, holiday cheers, hands in the air, hands to keys, the songs of life. Interesting collection of words.... much like the 60’s, if I remember it right!TRICKS OF THE TRADES INC.
That is just my belief. Norman has a job that gives him a lot of freedoms to create policies, so have no idea what he can do. It is still about third party points of views. Strangers without faces, is another way to look at it from our point of view. Norman is god all mighty in his own state of mind, and he wants to feed that fear into our side of the family. He forgot that he is just another person in a list of some class or another, and it is not a favorable class. Mature Retired General Contractor Love to Dance, dine out or in Let me know...Starr Bright and Rachellyn1010 faces in mirror, lights to turn on. Leslie Bailey, parents of goats and sheep, hands in air, tales told.
Norman is a hater, with his own agenda and he rules his world, most of the time, and 45 more Indians at the job site. So that makes him a chief, right? The rest of the tale is the reflections of the twins, Starr and Sabrina, on what to do next, sitting high on the cliff of Seal Beach, watching the waves dash on the rocky shore. It was just about time for the sun to start rolling down to the far west for the sunset. Watching the sky change colors during the pasting time for a sunset over the oceans is one of the best sights to see.
OOHRAH.I don't feel lonely when I'm eating. Because I'm hanging out with my taste "buds". *Dabs*Cheers and chaps, heads up, out of the sands. Kings and knights, songs of veterans, homeless blues, tricks and trades, for the light of day.Veterans Housing Matters: Disneyland, Land Of Nightmares For Veterans, Sisters Of Colors: Rats Dances. Moments Lost In Time. Hit The Road, Jack, Do Not Return, English ?Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none.
So with that being said, how are you, happy and delights, to get a reply, longer than seven words, it was nice for a change. Since I do not know you well, have to ask, where are you at, how old or you, and how tall are you, black, read, rite, or yellow, years in Chinese, I am a rat, and it could be at the top this year.
The year of the rat, have not asked, but I wonder, couple more weeks to be sure.Without saying how old you are, name one thing from your childhood someone younger wouldn’t understand.Jungle Out There. The most wonderful places to be in the world are: In someone’s thoughts. Someone’s prayers and in someone’s heart.
Christmas Daily, Eyes Open, Gifts Of Life Lessons. Walking On Sunshine, Dances In The Rain, Frogs, Spiders,Worms, Snakes In Grass, Shadows In The Darkness, Freaks, Fools, Frogs. Coins To Flip. The possibilities are endless for the things that I want. I just want a piece of the sky every day. Forever and a day, in the moment, with the start at now in the present. Not a dream real life. Ready for the best, that is still on the edge to happening today. Heads up, cheers and chaps, dances in the rain.But if I know you, I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
OOHRAH.I don't feel lonely when I'm eating. Because I'm hanging out with my taste "buds". *Dabs*Cheers and chaps, heads up, out of the sands. Kings and knights, songs of veterans, homeless blues, tricks and trades, for the light of day.Veterans Housing Matters: Disneyland, Land Of Nightmares For Veterans, Sisters Of Colors: Rats Dances. Moments Lost In Time. Hit The Road, Jack, Do Not Return, English ?Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none.
Christmas Daily, Eyes Open, Gifts Of Life Lessons. Walking On Sunshine, Dances In The Rain, Frogs, Spiders,Worms, Snakes In Grass, Shadows In The Darkness, Freaks, Fools, Frogs. Coins To Flip. The possibilities are endless for the things that I want. I just want a piece of the sky every day. Forever and a day, in the moment, with the start at now in the present. Not a dream real life. Ready for the best, that is still on the edge to happening today. Heads up, cheers and chaps, dances in the rain.But if I know you, I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.

Love and hate horns on a goat, love eveybody in your family all the time...? boats to float....blue skies, dream lives to share the joys and pains of love and hate, Man for a women for a trick or trade always searching for prey to rob, steal and tell white lies, with shades of gray on truthful and honest....Nightmare still....Jason Bubbles lavigne, Doom And Gloom: .ππππ Lisa Broccolo :White People. ☻π‘ππ.. RAT, CAT and DOG...War on Iran Article by Thomas Luongo..issues of dogs, dawgs, frogs and snakes in green grass. Happy Holidays to the undead and unstable freaks out at night.
The Very Best Of Heart. Snakes In Grass, Dicks Out Of Box,Babes, Books, Bells To Sound, Birds In The Woods, Tails To Fall, Blue Light Specials.Donkeys in the hills, donkeys in the family, donkeys to run the shows, happy to share.Detours End; wonderful tests over time. Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times.
The Very Best Of Heart. Snakes In Grass, Dicks Out Of Box,Babes, Books, Bells To Sound, Birds In The Woods, Tails To Fall, Blue Light Specials.Donkeys in the hills, donkeys in the family, donkeys to run the shows, happy to share.Detours End; wonderful tests over time. Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times.
PETTY 4 ME DROP A Song to sing, hearts broken, hearts cracked, faces to turn. Rach Jay FART FACE BUTT CRACK, MY MOTHER AND FATHER:Sheri Beth Jarrot, and the gay blade, Steven Jay Jarrot, crooks,cheaters, liars,family of freaks, fools, and frogs.Jason Bubbles lavigne, Doom And Gloom: .ππππ Lisa Broccolo :White People. ☻π‘ππ.. RAT, CAT and DOG...War on Iran Article by Thomas Luongo.
Hits and misses, holiday ways and means, joy to spread, stories to tell, back in time, to remember when...Lessons daily, lessons learned back in time, pages to books, lovers and haters, in the red world, lovers in the blue state of mind. Blue oceans to create, blue dreams in the air, good times, cheers, chaps, glory dazes to come.
Trump rally: Why is Tulsa's history so allegorically powerful?Cattle Calls, Jewish Wales, Family Affairs, History To Note,Not News Today.Aristotle.Don’t worry about anything today.
Just sit back and enjoy.Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments. Life Is A Beach: Penny Lanes, Frogs To Toads. . I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. - Steve Prefontaine.Rach Jay FART FACE BUTT CRACK, MY MOTHER AND FATHER:Sheri Beth Jarrot, and the gay blade, Steven Jay Jarrot, crooks,cheaters, liars,family of freaks, fools, and frogs.
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