BY: JOHNATHAN MOSS.... "Look Who's Talking" Stevie Wonder - You Will Know...Great day on right side of grave. Why pay for electricity, heat, and water when Mother Nature provides wind, rain, and solar energy for absolutely free? This is the question that concerned Michael Reynolds as soon as he graduated architectural school in 1972. Reynolds designs homes from re purposed objects such as tires, dirt, beer bottles and aluminum cans, and though this may sound like a garbage kingdom fit for a cracked out homeless man, it is anything but.We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. The design focuses on the principles of geothermal energy; the tires filled with dirt create thermal mass that acts as a heat sink allowing each “earth ship” to sustain comfortable temperatures year round. The thermostat is constantly stuck at 22 degrees Celsius, whether you live in the Arctic tundra or the New Mexico desert. "Look Who's Talking" Stevie Wonder - You Will Know...Great day on right side of grave.We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate.
The Sunnymead Ranch Community of Moreno Valley -
We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. Tucked up against the mountains on the north side of Moreno Valley, away from the hustle and bustle of the Inland Empire, lies the Sunnymead Ranch community. As you can see, the views of the surrounding mountains are spectacular in this community!๐๐. This Is What You Came For (Official Video) ft. Rihanna....Grins and smiles, jokes and laughs, snakes to date, rats to eat, daily events, in the sands. Sands of reasons, sands of time, dances on the beaches, games of rats and snakes, games to play.This post is for anyone who's been through it, going through it & got through it.
Stay up, blessed & positive.We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others.Sometimes we need someone to simply be there & let us know & feel we are cared for & supported. Be There For Others.
The first homes were built in Sunnymead Ranch in the late 1990s. This growing “Starter Family” neighborhood has its own greenbelts for hiking and walking, a man-made lake, and its own schools.
Pictured: A man-made lake in the Sunnymead Ranch community of Northern Moreno Valley, California.
Learn more about this community on our website:
Chicks, babes on the beach, lost and found, Alice, Ann, Alicia, Aleane names of the girl with the red hood. Out of town, out of the family, pigs and hogs to screw, dates with snakes and frogs, out of time, marking time, hands to hold, dances for luck to find. Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men in #USMC, the leaders, the few the choose, tales to share, babes, chicks and dames, hands to hold for the sunny and bright dazes to come. Life Is A Beach: Lots Of Balls In Air, Lot Of 'waves On Oceans, Once A Day.
We are here to create, not destroy.Live each moment completely & the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder & beauty of each moment.Have a heart that never hardens. A temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts.Sometimes we need someone to simply be there & let us know & feel we are cared for & supported. #Be There For Others
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